They named me after the falcon,

For they knew that I must fly,

That the wind beckoned me

And so did the sky.

They knew that I must wander,

Or in stillness I would die;

For my spirit was unfettered

And all bonds were just a lie.

No, I was no bird;

Man was my sire.

Born I was with wings though,

And a heart filled with fire.

I spread my wings.

I flew in the face of storms,  through walls,

To the edge of the earth.

No rest I knew, no landfall.

Through the mist you came to me one day,

Like a dream.

You were the one to share my flight,

My thoughts’ turbulent stream.

I tarried to be with you,

To let you into my dream;

To peep into your soul,

To become a part of your stream.

I lay on this bed

Much too long with you,

But you still love your chains.

The earth is pulling you down,

Its magnet is your bane.

If I stayed on, I know,

I shall not fly again.

I must fly away now,

But I shall return to you my Love,

Again and again,

Until you are ready to share my sky,

Until you break the chains,

Until you fly wing to wing with me,

Until we are a twain.