Behind my closed
But wakeful eyelids,
Flit a thousand images;
Resplendent in beauty,
In colours divine.
No kaleidoscope more varied,
More colourful was ever made.
Hours like fragrance on the breeze,
Swiftly float away.
No reality I seek from my memory,
No incidence of the past,
When sublime peace evades me,
I recall those twilight hours.
Oh dreams of wakeful hours!
If you would but lay
Your gentle touch on dreary reality,
A million lights would be set ablaze!
A million worlds would to life breathe!
But somewhere on the path of life,
I have lost the key that unlocks
Doors from dreams to realisation.
I lost it not to apathy,
Nor incapacity of the mind;
I lost it to an unknown fear,
Hidden even from me!